Three Card Reading


This reading is a great option for those interested in understanding their past, the present and the future, in any of the four areas, such as Carear, Self, Life or Love. These readings are incredible for those-who would like to have an overview of the specific area of your choice and can bring futhur advice. Sometimes for clairty or moving on, we like to have a pretty good idea of the entire puzzle of what this area of your life currently holds.

How this works is, you'll purchase this reading and shortly soon after I'll contact you so we can arrange availability, then I'll perfom the reading and send you a voice recording of the reading, or we could call or facetime and then I'll submit a picture of the card, as proof and can allow you to do your own research about the card. 

This is a completely digital reading, as I don't have the ability to perfom a physical reading.