Starborn: The archetypes deck by Kim Kans

On the Sunday, I pulled this card oblivious to how differently at the end of the week I would feel because I remember pulling this card at a point, where I felt so fed up with life and myself, it wasn't that I felt depressed as I have had a past with depression but I felt like I was missing out on being something bigger than what I am, I love to sing but leading up to receiving  this card, I hated how my voice sounded and it would irritated me enough to want to give up, and the feelings were strong enough I could have packed in on wanting to sing altogether. But I didn't. I also hit a brick wall with my spirituality because I didn't feel special enough in anyway, I felt like a clown for believing in anything because to be realistic you have to be pessimistic and I felt like I had my heads in the clouds and that I needed to, 'humble,' myself because I am not sensational. and if I wasn't sensational then why be anything? It led me to rethink my whole devotion I had for spirituality, because some people get told they are gods gift an others not necessarily, or even so, I felt there were others who had more remarkable past lives, and that meant they had more remarkable futures and that simply isn't true. I know that know but didn't then

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The Siren Card: Archetypes by Kim Krans Card interpretation

The archetypes of Kim Kans deck has profoundly revealed a lot about me as a person, this deck is incredibly enriching in the truth of finding out who you are, from your day to day, or even a lifetime. As a human we are multifaced and complex, our identities shift second to second, not everyone is caught up on who they or want to be but for those that are, this deck may be for you. For the past three weeks I have been pulling a card from this deck and slowly as the week passes more understanding and interpretations to the deck become known to me. 

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