The Siren Card: Archetypes by Kim Krans Card interpretation

Published on 31 March 2024 at 21:04

The archetypes of Kim Kans deck has profoundly revealed a lot about me as a person, this deck is incredibly enriching in the truth of finding out who you are, from your day to day, or even a lifetime. As a human we are multifaced and complex, our identities shift second to second, not everyone is caught up on who they or want to be but for those that are, this deck may be for you. For the past three weeks I have been pulling a card from this deck and slowly as the week passes more understanding and interpretations to the deck become known to me. 

Week 1: The Siren

Since about January, I've done weekly small readings every Sunday, with the base always being a self care deck-which is absolutely perfect for the type of person I am-it has made me prioritise myself and its a cute way to remain on top of my schedule. Sometimes I incorporate a few different decks and the archetypes being one of them, by the end of the week, (without intending to) I had to write about how deeply that card connected with me in my journal, here's the edited version of what I wrote. 

What does the siren card mean to me? On the surface, they are sexual beings,  free to roam and have a hard exterior, which makes them captivating, except they are extremely vulnerable and scared, incredibly scared, hiding behind a beautiful face, which I do think a lot of women aspire to be the siren but sirens are mermaids that feel the need to threaten men to feel safe! Who could blame them? When I first got this deck I badly wanted this card to come out for me, as if it would validate my thoughts on whether I was sexy or the cool girl. Channelling the siren can mean a multitude of things, but I do believe sirens are careless and fake confidence out of fear. They are also in slight conflicted because they understand being attached is unhealthy yet that doesn't stop them from craving attachment and accepting love they know they don't deserve. Kim Kans mentions in their written definition, that another way to understand this card better is to listen to ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey, and it all makes sense to me. I'm a huge fan of Lana del Rey's music and ultraviolence always seemed sexy and glamourous to my young self however as I've gotten older the more I've listened I've heard a sad and heartbroken girl unsure of where to go. This is my interpretation of the card that you can always embrace, in your own way, when connecting with this deck. If you would like to purchase a reading with me and wish for me to use this deck, just mention the archetypes by Kim Kans in an email or even purchase the deck yourself, as I highly recommend. 

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